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zaterdag 9 februari 2013


Ah. Ah. Get it? Brewsflash? I do crack me up sometimes...

This weekend is Brew Weekend, with lots of things happening to quite a few brews.

Remember the RedCap and the BrueCap?  After more than three months, both are still utterly, well, still.

Like so, only less like so.

But fear not: science cures all. Remember how (and no I'm not deliberately doing that annoying "read my older posts" thing; consider it a necessity) the yeast in that particular brew was actually recuperated from a commercial bottle of Moinette? Since fermentation in the bottle wasn't happening, and the sugar I added during bottling wasn't being eaten by anyone, I decided to repeat the exercise and steal some more yeast.

This time from a particularly impressive Belgian IPA.

So I beheaded all my Brue'n'RedCaps, injected about 4ml of frothing, bubbly yeast slush into the bottles and recapped them (of course taking care to use appropriately coloured caps). This technique, for those interested in brewing-even-if-doesn't-directly-involve-inbibing, is called krausening and, if applied, is more typically a step in primary fermentation, but hey, I figured it would might work just fine during the bottling stage. The brew is banished to the hot room again, where, in a few days time, some carbonation should be happening.

Brew#2, the Torakun-redubbed-Kohaku, is all gone(*) so I'm calling that a success, even if there were some flaws I'd like to correct when I decide to revisit the recipe.

*) "gone" means I might have a few stashed away at an undisclosed location, for future study

The yet-to-be-named Brew#3, of which I spoke only briefly, is nearing the end of secondary fermentation. I'll be bottling it later today so expect a tasting session in a week or two.

And Brew#4 is bubbling away happily in primary. Despite having taken the lessons from Brew#3 to heart, I had a bit of a setback when the filterbed collapsed, leaving me with 5 gallons (sounds so much more butch than 20 liters) of wort sitting on top of 12 pounds of mashed-out grains and not moving anywhere at all. Some emergency patching of my filter bucket, accompanied by the liberal usage of four letter words and curses towards St.Arnoldus saw the filter bed fixed and the beer (phew) rescued from becoming sewage. I daresay this is going to be an interesting brew. Posted I will keep you.

Until then!



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