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zondag 11 november 2012

Birth of a Tiger

No karate training today, so I'm using this lazy Sunday to do some more brewing.
With the kagami biraki drawing nearer each day, I'm preparing a little something for all those charming people that kick my ass two nights a week (and Sunday mornings too if they're not having an examination).

Kagami biraki means the opening a barrel of sake which sounds like a hell of a lot more fun than visiting Gran and Gramps for the holiday season
So, a new brew for a new year (brewers need to plan ahead by at least a month or two). Since I want to reduce the risk of the dojo becoming known as The House of Inebriation I decided to brew a light beer (pilsner or lower in terms of ABV) but with a bit of punch, preferrably with something other than its name hinting at distant Japan.

I really wanted to use a Japanese hop (there's currently only one kown to Westen Civilisation) but I couldn't find it in time. Instead, I settled for a New Zealand hop which is supposed to imbue my brew with lemon-and-peppercorn aromas. Sounds like a treat already.
Imbue by brew, babies!

I might contemplate adding some more mysteries of the Orient at various stages but that will depend on how adventurous I'm feeling by then.

For the Constant Reader curious about the state of my Red-&BruCap beer...expect an update soon but for the moment, suffice to say that it taste pretty damn great. If only the yeast would consider waking up again to carbinate my beer...

Until then!



PS: "Tiger? Where?" I hear you say. While the name is still a work in progress, I'm calling this li'l buddy Torakun, meaning "Little Tiger".

2 opmerkingen:

XIU zei

すごい!Mijn leerkracht Japans hare vent kent deen van de Owa ( van ne Japanner in België da bier brouwt, moet ik daar eens aan vragen of waar ge Japanse hop kunt vinden?

Unknown zei

Jaaa! En of hij geen rondleidingen doet en stuff!
Anything beer + Japan = boss!