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vrijdag 7 december 2012

The tiger stirs


Witness! Observe! Marvel! Jubilate! High fives all around! That ridiculous gangnam style dance!

Is that a beer or is that a beer?

One week of warm storage and this little tiger is already starting to show its teeth. Not only does it go PSHT when you uncap it, it also has a nice smooth carbonation and a decent head.

It's even somewhat transparent, if not entirely vertical
A hoppy, fruity nose, bold without being too ballsy, and a dry, bittersweet finish. Oh yes, this is everything I hoped it would be and more: it's got better head retention than most commercial beers I've poured recently (and trust me, they are legion). A bit harsh and resiny still in the hops department, but that's normal with a beer this young.

I'm all jumpy boinboinboingboing now; can't wait to share this with the lads and ladettes at the dojo. Now off to the basement with this batch, for another month of mellowing out. By the time the Kagami Biraki gets on its way, they should be utterly drinkable.

Next stop: designing a spiiffy label.

Until then!



3 opmerkingen:

Mia Timiaan zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
Mia Timiaan zei

Woohoo! En leuke blog.
Krijgt een mens dorst van.

Unknown zei

Ja he?

Binnenkort maar weer eens wat brouwen, zodat ik in 2013 wellicht iets de grens overgesmokkeld krijg :)